Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0... · completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (2024)

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (1)

213 683 3333 I FAX 213 892 0093 I TTY 213 553 8488



Friday, February 24, 2017 9:00 a.m.

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 811 Wilshire Boulevard, 5th Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90017


Call to Order/Roll Call/Establishment of Quorum Agenda Items - The public will have an opportunity to speak to any agenda item

when the item is called and before action is taken. A Request to Speak Form must be submitted to the Secretary prior to the completion of the agenda item. The Chair will determine the order of speaking and unless the Chair grants more or less time, the speaker’s limit is two (2) minutes on each agenda item, subject to the total 20-minute period.

1.0 Review and approve the minutes from the Commission Meeting held on Friday, January 27, 2017.

2.0 Consent Calendar

(Unless a Commissioner removes an item listed in this section or a Request to

Speak form on the item is received by the Chair from a member of the public, this

section will be voted upon without debate or presentations.)

2.1 Approve Ad Hoc Committee on Women and Homelessness recommendation to request that the County Research Agenda include a study on what women need to feel safe, build community and succeed in permanent housing.

2.2 Accept Ad Hoc Committee on Women and Homelessness

approval of LAHSA’s City and County budget requests with the

addition of language that women should be a priority.

2.3 Authorize Executive Director to enter into grant agreements with

the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

pursuant to the 2016 Continuum of Care Notice of Funding

Availability (NOFA) award as notified to LAHSA on December 20,

2016. Terms for these grant agreements will be for the period

between February 1, 2017 and January 31, 2018 for funding

allocated to LAHSA, the lead agency for the Los Angeles

Continuum of Care, by HUD. In the event that funding period or

amount allocated from HUD is reduced or not forthcoming,

authorize the Executive Director to reduce terms of service,

compensation, or not enter into sub-recipient agreements as

deemed appropriate.

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (2)

LAHSA Commission Agenda Friday, February 24, 2016

2.4 Authorize Executive Director to enter into agreements with

Continuum of Care sub-recipients, as listed in the attachment,

subject to funding awarded to LAHSA on December 20, 2016 by

the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

pursuant to the 2016 Continuum of Care Notice of Funding

Availability (NOFA). Terms for these sub-recipient agreements

will be for the period between February 1, 2017 and January 31,

2018. In the event that funding period or amount allocated from

HUD is reduced or not forthcoming, authorize the Executive

Director to reduce terms of service, compensation, or not enter

into sub-recipient agreements as deemed appropriate.

2.5 Authorize Executive Director to enter into a sub-recipient

agreement with the Inner City Law Center funded by Fraud

Incentive (FI) funding from the County of Los Angeles’

Department of Public Social Services (DPSS). In the event that

funding period or amount allocated from DPSS is reduced or not

forthcoming, authorize the Executive Director to reduce terms of

service, compensation, or not enter into sub-recipient

agreements as deemed appropriate.

2.6 Authorize the Executive Director to enter into an agreement to

renew the line of credit with Wells Fargo, NA for an amount not to

exceed $1 million.

3.0 Executive Director Report. Karla Barrow

4.0 Review and approve the Advocacy Policy. Jose Delgado

5.0 Nomination and approval of additional members for the Ad Hoc Committee on Women and Homelessness.

Commissioner Greuel

6.0 Update on San Julian Drop In Center. Christin Doyle

7.0 Update on HMIS Migration. Josh Decell

8.0 Report on the Ad Hoc Committee on Women and Homelessness

Meeting held on Monday, February 13, 2017.

Commissioner Greuel

9.0 Report on the Programs & Evaluation Committee Meeting held on

Thursday, February 16, 2017.

Commissioner Pearson

10.0 Report on the Policy & Planning Committee Meeting held on

Thursday, February 16, 2017.

Commissioner Adamson

11.0 Report on the Special Finance, Contracts & Grants Management

Committee Meeting held on Friday, February 17, 2017.

Commissioner Dusseault

12.0 Commissioner updates and agenda requests for future meetings.

Commissioner Greuel

13.0 Public Participation Each Public Participant speaker is limited to three (3) minutes and may address any topic within the Commission’s jurisdiction. A Request to Speak Form must be filled out and submitted to the Secretary prior to the beginning of Public Participation. Subject to the total 20-minute period, each Public Participation speaker is limited to three (3) minutes.

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (3)

LAHSA Commission Agenda Friday, February 24, 2016

Adjournment Packets of materials on agenda items are available to the public during normal business hours at 811 Wilshire Boulevard, 6 th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017. For further information, you may call 213-683-3333. Upon request, sign language interpreters, materials in alternative formats and other accommodations are available to the public for LAHSA meetings. All requests for reasonable accommodations must be made at least three working days (72 Hours) in advance of the scheduled meeting date. For additional information, contact LAHSA at (213) 683-3333 or TTY (213) 553-8488.

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (4)

Item 1.0


Held January 27, 2017

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority Commission Meeting, held in the LAHSA office, located at 811 Wilshire Blvd, 5th Floor, Los Angeles, California, was called to order at 9:18 a.m. by Commissioner Greuel. Attendance:

LAHSA Commissioners Present: Wendy Greuel, Chair Noah Farkas, Vice Chair Larry Adamson Kelli Bernard Sarah Dusseault Mike Neely Booker Pearson

LAHSA Commissioners Absent:

Mitch Kamin Owen Newcomer Kelvin Sauls

Attorneys Present: Aleen Langton, County Counsel

LAHSA Staff: Peter Lynn, Executive Director Karla Barrow, Chief Operating Officer Eileen Bryson, Board Liaison Chris Callandrillo, Director of Programs Jose Delgado, Associate Director of Intergovernmental Affairs Stuart Jackson, Chief Financial Officer Clementina Verjan, Associate Director of Policy & Planning Call to Order/Roll Call/Establishment of Quorum Roll was called and quorum was established at 9:18 a.m.

1.1 Review and approve the minutes from the Commission Meeting held on Friday, December 16, 2016. Motion: Commissioner Adamson moved and Commissioner Bernard seconded approval of the minutes as presented. Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers.

Action: The motion passed unanimously. 1.2 Review and approve the minutes from the Special Commission Meeting held on Friday, December 16,

2016. Motion: Commissioner Adamson moved and Commissioner Bernard seconded approval of the minutes as presented. Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers.

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (5)

LAHSA Commission Minutes of January 27, 2017

Action: The motion passed unanimously. 2.0 Consent Calendar

(Unless a Commissioner removes an item listed in this section or a Request to Speak form on the item is received by the Chair from a member of the public, this section will be voted upon without debate or presentations.) 2.1 Authorize Executive Director to extend the Vendor Agreement entered into with J.S. Egan Design,

funded with City of Los Angeles (City) General Funds provided by the Housing and Community Investment Department of the City of Los Angeles (HCIDLA). In the event that funding period or amount allocated by HCIDLA to LAHSA is reduced or not forthcoming, authorize the Executive Director to reduce terms of service, compensation, or not enter into the agreement as deemed appropriate.

2.2 Authorize Executive Director to accept funding in the amount of one million one hundred

thousand dollars ($1,100,000) from the County of Los Angeles (County) Chief Executive Office (CEO) to fund Moving Assistance for homeless veterans accessing VASH Program housing and services through the County. In the event that funding period or amount allocated from CEO is reduced or not forthcoming, authorize the Executive Director to reduce terms of service, compensation, or not enter into sub-recipient agreements as deemed appropriate.

2.3 Approve quality evaluation results for the 2016 Crisis Housing and Supportive Services for

Homeless General Relief (GR) Request for Proposals (RFP) and authorize Executive Director to enter into contracts with the recommended agencies.

Motion: Commissioner Adamson moved and Commissioner Pearson seconded approval of the Consent Calendar. Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers.

Action: The motion passed unanimously. 3.0 Executive Director Report. Peter Lynn, Executive Director, gave the report:

Commissioner Greuel thanked the Commissioners, Peter Lynn and the LAHSA staff for the hard work in completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered this year than for any previous Count.

Mr. Lynn updated the Commission on issues and events for LAHSA and the Los Angeles Continuum of Care, the City and County budget process, the upcoming Regional Homelessness Advisory Council meeting, and possible effects in the change in federal administration.

Mr. Lynn recognized new hires, promotions, significant anniversaries and the employee of the month. Commissioner Farkas arrived at 9:30 am.

Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers.

4.0 Chief Operating Officer Report. Karla Barrow, Chief Operating Office, gave the report:

Ms. Barrow updated the Commission on the status of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Grant, implementation of the City and County Homeless Initiative Strategies, the update of policy and procedure manuals, project management training, CES dashboards, new hires, additional office space, agency onboarding and workflow, and ADA training and compliance.

Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers. 5.0 Report on lessons learned: The Hollywood Top 14 Case Studies. Kerry Morrison gave the report:

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (6)

LAHSA Commission Minutes of January 27, 2017

Ms. Morrison provided information about the Top 14 project addressing homelessness in Hollywood. The top 14 has grown into a top 30 list. Hollywood 4WRD will track these individuals indefinitely. She shared information on the challenges and rewards of assisting specific individuals in Hollywood.

Commissioner Greuel requested that the slides be shared with the Commissioners.

Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers.

6.0 Review and approve resolution honoring the service of Miguel Santana, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Los Angeles and recommend for signing by Commission Chair and Executive Director.

Jose Delgado, Associate Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, made the report:

Mr. Delgado, Mr. Lynn and the Commissioners thanked Mr. Santana for his work and leadership in support of assisting the homeless as Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Los Angeles and wished him the best in his future endeavors.

Motion: Commissioner Adamson moved and Commissioner Neely seconded approval of the resolution honoring the service of Miguel Santana, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Los Angeles and recommend for signing by Commission Chair and Executive Director. Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers.

Action: The motion passed unanimously. 7.0 Nominate and approve LAHSA Commission representative to the LA Continuum of Care Regional

Homelessness Advisory Committee.

Commissioner Greuel suggested the nomination of the Commission chair as the member and the Commission vice chair as the alternate representative to the Los Angeles Continuum of Care Regional Homelessness Advisory Committee.

Mr. Lynn noted that the correct name of the group is the Advisory Council, not Committee.

Commissioner Adamson observed that the nomination was for the chair position rather than the individual. After discussion it was decided that the representative would be the commission chair rather than a specific individual.

Motion: Commissioner Dusseault moved and Commissioner Bernard seconded the nomination of the Commission chair as member and Commission vice chair as the alternate member to represent the LAHSA Commission on the LA Continuum of Care Regional Homelessness Advisory Council. Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers.

Action: The motion passed unanimously. 8.0 Presentation of 2017-18 LAHSA Budget Submission to the City of Los Angeles. Stuart Jackson, Controller, gave the report:

Mr. Jackson provided an overview of the 2017-18 LAHSA budget submission and changes to the budgeting allocation method this year.

There was discussion about the budget for services provided to women. Commissioner Dusseault also suggested that there might be more information provided that would make this into a “sales” document that might make approval easier.

Mr. Jackson shared the timeframe for budget hearings and approval. Commissioner Greuel asked for areas in which the commission might assist with advocacy.

Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers. 9.0 Report on 2017 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count. Clementina Verjan, Associate Director of Policy & Planning, gave the report:

Ms. Verjan updated the Commission on 2017 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count and thanked all those involved in its success.

Over 7,800 volunteers registered to participate in the Count with the goal of covering all census tracts in the Continuum of Care, the greatest number of volunteers ever.

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (7)

LAHSA Commission Minutes of January 27, 2017

The shelter count and institution count are being finalized, the Youth Count is starting today and the demographic survey volunteers are being trained.

The deadline to submit the data to HUD is April 30.

There was great praise for the training video.

Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers. 10.0 Discussion on weather related homeless issues. Peter Lynn, Executive Director, gave the report:

Mr. Lynn updated the Commission on weather related issues. The agency addresses this through Winter Shelter and ERT. There has been about a 90% utilization rate, some places in the county have had over 100% occupancy. Curiously, the rate on rainy nights seems to be lower than on subsequent nights.

Discussions have commenced with the City and County to extend the WSP past March 1.

ERT have been conducting additional outreach efforts in the riverbeds and flood areas.

Commissioner Farkas inquired if there had been any deaths due to the cold weather. Mr. Lynn will check with first responder partners. Commissioner Dusseault shared that there had been a few swift water rescues, but no weather related hypothermia deaths reported so far.

Commissioner Dusseault asked for a facilities discussion possibly in June or July to plan for next year’s program.

Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers. 11.0 Report on the Special Finance, Contracts & Grants Management Committee Meeting held on Friday,

January 13, 2017. Commissioner Dusseault gave the report:

Most of the items were on consent calendar or discussed previously.

Commissioner Neely shared that there was an update on the contracting process. Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers. 12.0 Report on the Ad Hoc Committee on Women and Homelessness Meeting held on Wednesday, January 18,

2017. Commissioner Greuel gave the report:

Commissioner Greuel shared that there has been great participation and discussions have ensued around access to DV facilities and human trafficking.

There was discussion about including another committee member with lived experience which will be added to a future agenda.

Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers 13.0 Report on the Programs & Evaluation Committee Meeting held on Thursday, January 19, 2017. Commissioner Pearson gave the report:

Commissioner Pearson is encouraged by the presentations on serving homeless families, the Youth Count and the additional data being collected.

Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers. 14.0 Report on the Policy & Planning Committee Meeting held on Thursday, January 19, 2017. Commissioner Adamson gave the report:

Three information items, including the Homeless Count and RHAC heard earlier, and no action items were heard.

Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers.

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (8)

LAHSA Commission Minutes of January 27, 2017

15.0 Commissioner updates and agenda requests for future meetings.

Commissioner Greuel thanked everyone for their hard work.

Commissioner Neely shared that this will be his final meeting. He and Supervisor Ridley-Thomas have agreed that he will move on to another issue. He thanked the commission and staff for the support and all the work they have done. Commissioner Greuel thanked Commissioner Neely for all his work in his six years of service. Commissioner Pearson expressed his thanks for the mentorship. Commissioner Dusseault and Adamson expressed appreciation for Commissioner Neely’s commitment and passion.

Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers. 16.0 Public Participation Public Speaker(s): There were no public speakers.

Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 11:48 a.m.

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (9)

- A Joint Authority Created by the City and County of Los Angeles

To: Finance, Contracts and Grants Management Committee

From: Shalon Zeferjahn, Manager - Contracts

Date: February 17, 2017


Peter Lynn, Executive Director Stuart Jackson, Chief Financial Officer

Christopher Callandrillo, Director of Programs Daniel Fisher, Associate Director of Operations – Programs Department


Authorization for Executive Director to Enter into Grant Agreements With the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) For the Period Between February 1, 2017 and January 31, 2018 as Listed in the Attachment.

Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that LAHSA’s Commission authorize LAHSA’s Executive Director to enter into grant agreements with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) pursuant to the 2016 Continuum of Care Notice of Funding Availability (“NOFA”) award as notified to LAHSA on December 20, 2016. Terms for these grant agreements will be for the period between February 1, 2017 and January 31, 2018 for funding allocated to LAHSA, the lead agency for the Los Angeles Continuum of Care, by HUD. Staff further recommends, in the event that funding period or amount allocated from HUD is reduced or not forthcoming, authorize the Executive Director to reduce terms of service, compensation, or not enter into sub-recipient agreements as deemed appropriate by the Executive Director. Background: Each year, LAHSA submits an application for federal funding for County and City of Los Angeles Continuum of Care projects. As a result of the NOFA submission on September 12, 2016, LAHSA received, on December 20, 2016, award notifications from HUD that funding is available to pass through to sub-recipients whose needed services benefit homeless populations in the County and City of Los Angeles. Justification: Staff has determined that the administrative dollars associated with this funding are adequate to cover costs associated with administering the funding.

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 811 Wilshire Blvd, 6th Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90017 Ph: 213.683.3333 Fx: 213.892.0093

TTY: 213.553.8488 www.lahsa.org

Item 2.3

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (10)

- A Joint Authority Created by the City and County of Los Angeles

Item 2.4

To: Finance, Contracts and Grants Management Committee

From: Shalon Zeferjahn, Manager - Contracts

Date: February 17, 2017


Peter Lynn, Executive Director Stuart Jackson, Chief Financial Officer

Christopher Callandrillo, Director of Programs Daniel Fisher, Associate Director of Operations – Programs Department


Authorization for Executive Director to Enter into Agreements with the Los Angeles Continuum of Care Sub-recipients For the Period Between February 1, 2017 and January 31, 2018 as Listed in the Attachment.

Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that LAHSA’s Commission authorize LAHSA’s Executive Director to enter into agreements with Continuum of Care sub-recipients, as listed in the attachment, subject to funding awarded to LAHSA on December 20, 2016 by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) pursuant to the 2016 Continuum of Care Notice of Funding Availability (“NOFA”). Terms for these sub-recipient agreements will be for the period between February 1, 2017 and January 31, 2018. Staff further recommends, in the event that funding period or amount allocated from HUD is reduced or not forthcoming, authorize the Executive Director to reduce terms of service, compensation, or not enter into sub-recipient agreements as deemed appropriate by the Executive Director. Background: Each year, LAHSA submits an application for federal funding for County and City of Los Angeles Continuum of Care projects. As a result of the NOFA submission on September 12, 2016, LAHSA received, on December 20, 2016, award notifications from HUD that funding is available to pass through to sub-recipients whose needed services benefit homeless populations in the County and City of Los Angeles. Justification: Staff has determined that the administrative dollars associated with this funding are adequate to cover costs associated with administering the funding.

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 811 Wilshire Blvd, 6th Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90017 Ph: 213.683.3333 Fx: 213.892.0093

TTY: 213.553.8488 www.lahsa.org

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (11)

- A Joint Authority Created by the City and County of Los Angeles

Item 2.5

To: Finance, Contracts and Grants Management Committee

From: Shalon Zeferjahn, Manager - Contracts

Date: February 17, 2017


Peter Lynn, Executive Director Stuart Jackson, Chief Financial Officer

Christopher Callandrillo, Director of Programs Daniel Fisher, Associate Director of Operations – Programs Department


Authorization to Enter Into Sub-recipient Agreement with Inner City Law Center Funded by the County of Los Angeles’ Department of Public Social Services’ (“DPSS”) Fraud Incentive Funding.

Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that LAHSA’s Commission authorize LAHSA’s Executive Director to enter into a sub-recipient agreement with the Inner City Law Center funded by Fraud Incentive (“FI”) funding from the County of Los Angeles’ Department of Public Social Services (“DPSS”). Staff further recommends, in the event that funding period or amount allocated from DPSS is reduced or not forthcoming, authorize the Executive Director to reduce terms of service, compensation, or not enter into sub-recipient agreements as deemed appropriate by the Executive Director.


LAHSA receives funding from the County to support the operation of a variety of homeless programs on behalf of the County Supervisors. On May 31, 2016, the LAHSA Commission authorized LAHSA’s Executive Director to accept funding from DPSS to support programs providing assistance to families who are either homeless or at-risk of homelessness in securing and/or retaining permanent housing. Amendment Number Four to Contract Number HFSS-14-001 between DPSS and LAHSA added funding for Legal Services for California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (“CalWORKS”) and Non-CalWORKS families who are imminently at-risk of losing their housing. Anticipated legal services to be funded include: preserving affordable housing and rent control, asserting special housing rights, preventing unlawful evictions and foreclosures, and fighting discrimination in Section 8 and other government-subsidized housing. On November 9, 2016 LAHSA released the 2016 Legal Services (Homeless Prevention) for Families RFI to obtain information from providers interested in and qualified to provide Legal Services to the eligible populations. Of the 4 agencies that responded to the RFI, only Inner City Law Center proposed service to all 8 SPAs. LAHSA recommends authorization to enter into the Agreement described in the table below.



Project Name

Anticipated Contract


Contract Amount

Contract Number

Inner City Law Center

Legal Services (Homeless Prevention) for Families

3-1-2017 to 6-30-2018



ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 811 Wilshire Blvd, 6th Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90017 Ph: 213.683.3333 Fx: 213.892.0093

TTY: 213.553.8488 www.lahsa.org

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (12)

- A Joint Authority Created by the City and County of Los Angeles

Justification: Entering into the Agreement described above will enable LAHSA to support Inner City Law Center in removing legal barriers to homelessness prevention. Staff has determined that the administrative dollars associated with this funding are adequate to cover costs associated with administering the funding.

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (13)





Item 2.6

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• Current Situation

• Action Taken

• Comparison

• Benefits

• Line of Credit Details

• Recommendation


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Current Situation

• Wells Fargo admitted to opening of million accounts without

customers’ approval

• Wells Fargo sued and fined by the State by of California

• FCGM requested LAHSA to review banking relationship with Wells

Fargo because of the scandal.

• $1M line of credit is up for renewal.


Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (16)

Actions Taken

• Tested the market for banking opportunities and services

• Communicated with 4 banks – Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, Bank

of America and City National Bank

• Maintain LAHSA’s need for $1M Line of Credit

• Compared banks ranking, services and fees


Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (17)

Requirements Wells Fargo Bank of America City National Bank JP Morgan Chase

Type of Loan

Unsecured Yes Yes Yes Yes

Secured Yes Yes Yes Yes

Time in Business 2-3 years 2 Years 2-3 Years 2 Years

Collateral No No No No

Checking Relationship Required No No No No

BankRate Score Superior (5 Stars) Superior (5 Stars) Sound (4 stars) Sound (4 stars)

Business Tax Returns Yes Yes 3 Years Yes

Audited Financial Statements Yes Yes 2 Years Yes

Interim Financial Statements Yes Year 2016 Yes

A/P and A/R Aging Reports Yes

Organization Paperwork Yes Yes Yes Yes

Financial Ratios

Debt services coverage ratio no less than 1.25

Debt to equity 3 to 1

Interest Rate Var. based on prime Var. based on prime Var. based on prime Var. based on prime

Range Prime + .05% 4.75% - 12.75% Prime + .05% - Prime + 2.5% 3.88% - 6.26%


Comply with certain Financial Ratios Yes Yes Yes

Maintain a certain Liquidity

Not to exceed a certain level of debt Yes Yes Yes

Repay in full periodically Yes Annual Yes


Annual Fees $150.00 .0075% of Line $250.00

Origination fees $150.00


Business line of credit up to $100K up to $250K up to $500K

Commercial line of credit more than $100K more than $250K more than $500K

Line of Credit Terms

Line of Credit Comparison



Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (18)

Benefits of Staying with

Wells Fargo


• Low interest for the Line of Credit: Prime + .05%

• $1M Line of Credit: Better than other banks researched

• Take advantage of years of being a customer of the bank

• No disruption in our current operations

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (19)

Line of Credit Details• $1 million Revolving

• Secured by LAHSA real properties located on San Julian St. and Broadway

Ave as collateral

• LAHSA shall provide Wells Fargo interim financial statements 45 days after

the end of each quarter

• LAHSA shall maintain a zero balance for a minimum 30 consecutive days

every 12 months

• LAHSA shall maintain a minimum $1.5 million in total Net Assets

• LAHSA shall provide Wells Fargo Annual Financial Statements


Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (20)


• LAHSA Staff recommends banking with Wells Fargo

• LAHSA staff recommends renewal of Line of Credit Wells Fargo


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Political Activity 1

Item 4.0

Political Activity

POLICY AND PLANNING Policies and Procedures

Policy Owner: Publication date:


The purpose of this policy is to define allowed and disallowed political activities for members of the

LAHSA Commission and LAHSA employees.

Lobbying and Advocacy

What is Allowable:

LAHSA may advocate on local, state, and federal legislative matters. Active support of a ballot measure

can only occur during the public deliberation period prior to a measure being added to the ballot. This


Speaking on a proposed ballot measure at public meetings

Publicizing LAHSA’s position on a proposed ballot measure through press releases, formal

resolutions, press interviews, and on social media

Interacting with public officials regarding a proposed ballot measure

Commissioners: LAHSA Commissioners may actively advocate on proposed ballot measures; local, state,

and federal legislative proposals, on behalf of LAHSA in their official capacity as a LAHSA Commissioner

in accordance with the agency’s accepted position as approved by the LAHSA Commission.

Commissioners should clearly articulate that they are speaking on their own behalf, or for other

organizational affiliations when they are not speaking on behalf of LAHSA Commission positions

regarding proposed measures.

Staff: LAHSA staff may actively support proposed ballot measures, in addition to local, state, and federal

legislative proposals, on behalf of LAHSA with approval from a Department Director or higher executive

manager and in accordance with LAHSA’s accepted position as approved by the LAHSA Commission.

What is Not Allowable:

Lobbying and Advocacy or other political activity on behalf of LAHSA is not allowed in the following


Supporting or opposing a ballot measure once it has been placed on the ballot

Supporting or opposing a candidate for elected office

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (22)


Political Activity 2

Individual/Non-Official Activities by LAHSA Commissioners and Staff

What is Allowable:

Making personal political contributions and participating in personal political activities on behalf of

proposed or actual ballot measures or candidates as long as it is clear you are acting as an individual and

not on behalf of LAHSA.

What is Not Allowable at Any Time:

Engaging in personal political activities during LAHSA work time, using LAHSA resources, or in any

manner that suggests that you are speaking on behalf of LAHSA.

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The San Julian Oasis

Item 6.0

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LAHSA seeks to renovate and reprogram the current Downtown Drop In Center to provide

respite care to residents of Skid Row.

They will have access to medical services & case management through a partnership with the LA

County Department of Health Services.

This new place of respite will be The Oasis.

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Program and Facility Amenities

Peaceful, furnished outdoor courtyard

Clinical exam space & nursing stations

Gender separated sleeping areas

Energy efficient, CalGreen facility

Office, Admin and Conference space

Community dining room with warming


Assistance with Activities of Daily


Connection to the Coordinated Entry


Dedicated case managers

Respite care for up to 40 individuals

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Project Stakeholders Project Partner Role Responsibilities Funding Source

LAHSAOwner / Co-


● Retain architect

● Retain general contractor

FY2016 LAHSA Admin/Professional

Services funds, not to exceed


LA County

Department of

Health Services


● Service provider selection

● Contract monitoring

● Technical assistance

Full value of hard Construction

costs, soft costs, and contingencies

Egan | Simon


● Manage full design process

● Administer construction


LAHSA (see above)



● Permitting, construction, and

management of


LA County DHS

TBDService Provider

/ Operator

● Hire staff and operate facility

● On-site supportive services

● Assistance with activities of

Daily Living (ADL’s)

Annual operating expenses, as

funded through DHS Whole Person

Care grants and LAHSA (City GF


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Preliminary Project Timeline

Program & Facility Design


(6 Months)

• Architect to prepare drawings

• DHS and LAHSA to sign MOU

• DHS to procure program operations

Construction Phase

(6 Months)

• Work expected to launch in Summer 2017, with completion in early 2018

Program Launch Phase (1-2 months)

• Contracted provider to begin operations in early 2018

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Item 7.0

DATE: February 24, 2017 TO: LAHSA Commission FROM: Pada Lee, Project Manager; Josh Decell, Associate Director, Data Integration CC: Peter Lynn, Executive Director; Chris Callandrillo, Director of Programs SUBJECT: Monthly Update on Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Migration


This progress report provides a status update for the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Migration Project that the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) is overseeing on behalf of the Los Angeles (LA), Glendale and Pasadena Continuums of Care (CoCs). The details of this monthly report are summarized below in five broad categories:

Overall Project Updates

HMIS Governance and Community Input: Items relating to engagement, input, and feedback from the service provider community, governing bodies, and other system partners, as well as general status updates.

Data Migration: Items relating to data analysis, data cleanup, data conversions, and system configuration to ensure data is migrated completely and accurately and users find the system easy to use and reflective of programmatic workflows.

HMIS Reports: Items relating to re-building custom reports in the new system and re-mapping dashboard linkages that are currently aligned with Adsystech HMIS and its data structures.

User Training: Items relating to revision of training materials, as well as scheduling and logistics to train all users in the new software.


In May 2016, LAHSA released a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit applicants to serve as the LA CoC HMIS software provider. In September 2016, following a community-driven scoring and evaluation process, the LAHSA Commission approved the community recommendation to contract with BitFocus to use their product, Clarity Human Services, as the LA CoC HMIS. Subsequent to that decision, the Glendale and Pasadena CoCs approved decisions to move with LAHSA to the same HMIS software provider. The resulting HMIS Migration Project encompasses the LA community’s efforts to create the most effective data collection and reporting system for the community of homeless assistance service providers.

This current month’s updates are detailed in the charts that follow.

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Project Updates as of 02/24/2017

Overall Project Updates

Project Plan Finalized LAHSA leadership reviewed and approved of the project plan for HMIS migration on 1/30/2017, and the HMIS team is currently in the preparation phase for data migration, as noted in the project timeline (see attachment).

Targeted Launch Date LAHSA is targeting to “go-live” with Clarity by 5/15/2017, with user trainings beginning by 5/1/2017.

Working with the Glendale and Pasadena CoC HMIS Leads

The three CoC HMIS Leads are meeting regularly to jointly configure Clarity and to create standardization in settings, policies, and processes that affect all users of new Clarity platform across the three Continuums of Care.

HMIS Governance and Community Input (Status: On Schedule)

Workflow Demonstration with the Community (On Schedule)

LAHSA, with assistance from United Way, will convene a demonstration of the proposed user-end workflow within Clarity in March.

Clarity Training Options (On Schedule)

There will be several different options for re-training our community on Clarity.

LAHSA send out a survey to assess the demand for various training options (Instructor-led (on-site and off-site) vs. self-guided, online learning) to plan training schedules and logistics.

Training Course Names and Numbers (On Schedule)

LAHSA survey user groups to collect insight on how to group and name training courses to ensure users understand which trainings are most applicable to different roles within their organization.

LAHSA will re-brand Clarity Training Course Names and Numbers to reduce confusion and help create training curriculums that make sense for each user.

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Program Eligibility Information (On Schedule)

LAHSA is assessing how to integrate of program eligibility criteria.

LAHSA will be sending out surveys to collect information on eligibility criteria during the next month.

Determining Varying Levels of Access (On Schedule)

Since different user roles will require different level of access, LAHSA will be proposing and collecting feedback on distinctions in levels of access for users from read-only to basic navigation to agency-level admins during the next month.

Gather input regarding frequency of data collection (On Schedule)

With Clarity, clients’ existing assessment and survey responses can carry over across enrollments automatically.

LAHSA will be surveying the community for input on the optimal length of time the responses should carry over before the information is considered “outdated”.

Data Migration (Status: On Schedule)

Data Elements Analysis and Cleanup (On Schedule / Delayed)

LAHSA HMIS delivered all standard HUD data to Bitfocus on the target date, 2/6/17.

LAHSA HMIS and System Integration Teams reviewed the list of Custom Data Elements in the current Adsystech HMIS to assess which data are currently in use for inclusion in the migration. The list was reduced from over 1,000 data elements to about 700, and the data were delivered to Bitfocus on 2/21/17 (originally targeted for 2/10). Adequate time is planned for review in March to mitigate the delay of this item.

Over the next month, LAHSA will work with Bitfocus to analyze the data, and create a data migration map. Through this effort, the project team will establish a cut-off date for Adsystech HMIS and the corresponding blackout time between systems.

Initial Workflow Designed (On Schedule)

LAHSA HMIS Team created a user-end workflow in Clarity that aligns with how clients actually move through our CES across populations.

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The project team will schedule meetings with System Team and community members over the coming month to gather feedback on the proposed workflows.

The team has also met with various LAHSA units to ensure internal processes are supported throughout the migration to Clarity.

HMIS Reports (Status: On Schedule)

Reports Prioritized for Re-development in Clarity (On Schedule)

LAHSA HMIS Team has identified and prioritized the most-used and mission-critical custom reports in the current HMIS for re-development in Clarity.

Highest priority has been given to compliance and CES reports to ensure that both LAHSA and our community continue to meet contractual obligations and the immediate needs of persons experiencing homelessness.

Existing Clarity Standard Reports and Ad-hoc Reporting (On Schedule)

LAHSA has projected at least one (1) admin-level user per organization who will have access to ad-hoc reporting, which is easier to use for in-depth analysis and complements the pre-packaged Clarity reports and custom reports LAHSA is re-developing.

Dashboard Linkages being reviewed for Re-development in Clarity (On Schedule)

LAHSA has identified methods for re-creating linkages to all public facing dashboards to ensure there is minimal downtime for those community tools.

User Training (Status: On Schedule)

HMIS Trainings Prioritized for Re-

LAHSA HMIS Team has identified and prioritized the training courses for re-development in Clarity.

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development in Clarity (On Schedule) The trainings merge several redundant courses to reduce confusion and to help users better understand

which trainings to attend for their needs.

Streamline Access to Training Website (On Schedule)

LAHSA is working on merging the training website login credentials with the main LAHSA site (MyOrg) to reduce the confusion that comes with managing multiple user accounts and passwords.

The site is projected to be online with the final training schedules in April. All active training site login credentials that match will be migrated over and others will be contacted to create a login in the LAHSA main site.

Please contact Pada Lee at [emailprotected] for any further information. Attachments

HMIS Migration Monthly Update (Presentation)


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HMIS Migration Monthly Update

February 2017

Item 7.1

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Project Overview

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Restating the Project Objectives

Establish a strong feedback loop with

internal and external stakeholders to

configure “our” HMIS

Thoroughly and accurately migrate

current and historical client and program data from Adsystech

HMIS to BitFocus Clarity

Implement a CES workflow to align and enhance our system

and conform to the policies and processes

of our community

Comprehensively re-train all current HMIS users in the LA CoC on

the new HMIS application

Update reports and dashboard linkages to align with the new data


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•Project Kickoff Call with BitFocus

•Project Start

1/17 -1/20

•System Administrators trained

1/23 - 1/27

•Completed Project Plan

•Identifycommunication channels and groups

2/3 - 2/10

•Initial System Workflow designed for feedback


•All data elements sent to BitFocus for review

•Prioritized list for training/ report revisions

2/10 - 3/31

•Data Cleanup for active programs and client data

2/13 - 4/28

•Revise training materials

•Revise data reports


•Finalized System/CES Workflows

•Proposed Adsystech HMIS Training Cut Off

•Train-the-Trainer with BitFocus

Mid-March -4/28

•Program Setup

•Access Roles Setup


•Live Demo to Community

•Trainingfor all community users begins



Project Timeline

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Monthly Report

Overall HMIS Migration Status: On Schedule

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Sneak Peek of Clarity

Come to the sneak peek event at United Way for a preview of what it looks like and tell us what you think!

Date TBD, in March

Three (3) Training Options Available: Surveying current user to assess preferred modes of training:

Online Interactive Video (with assessments incorporated)


Online, so no need to go anywhere

In-class at LAHSA


In-person and hands-on but limited in space (30 persons/day)

At off-site locations


In-person and level of hands-on experience depends on computer availability

The community has many opportunities for input

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (40)

HMIS Course Catalog

Re-branding our trainings in Clarity to help create curriculums that make sense and reduce confusion

Surveys will be done at various groups to gain insight on the best/preferred naming and numbering scheme

Program Eligibility Information

Collecting eligibility criteria for various programs to prepare program set-ups

Each organization will be asked in the coming month to provide the eligibility criteria of their programs to be implemented into

Clarity to make best use of the built-in eligibility determination engine

Access Levels

LAHSA will be proposing the tiers of user access levels based on existing standards, and we will gathering feedback on the

organizational needs for new and expanded features in Clarity

Frequency of Data Collection

Clarity carries over assessment responses across enrollments into programs. We are working with CES leads and matchers to

assess an appropriate length of time before reassessment is needed.

LAHSA will be sending surveys to the community for input on the appropriate length of time.

The community has many opportunities for input

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (41)

Progress during this month – Data Migration and Configuration

Data Analysis

• HUD Data Elements sent to BitFocus for analysis on 2/6

• Custom Data Elements reviewed to assess if it is currently in use and must be migrated

• Custom Data Elements sent to BitFocus for analysis on 2/21

System Workflow

• Initial workflow has been created and is currently under review by project team

• LAHSA will be meeting with user groups and the community to gather feedback on the proposed flow

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (42)

Progress during this month – HMIS Reports

Reports Prioritized

• Identificaiton of the most-used and important custom reports in current Adsystech HMIS for re-development

• Those reports were prioritized based on impact, with compliance and CES reports being the highest priority to ensure our community can immediately make use of the data in Clarity

Ad-hoc Reporting Access

• LAHSA projects approximately one (1) admin-level person per organization who will have access to the ad-hoc reporting features to complement the custom reports that will be re-developed

Dashboard Linkages Reviewed

• LAHSA has identified methods to re-create linkages to all existing public-facing dashboards to ensure minimal downtime for those tools for our community

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0...· completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (43)

Progress during this month – User Training

Training Courses


• The training team has identified the most-used and important trainings for the current Adsystech HMIS for re-development in Clarity

• Some redundant courses will be merged and streamlined to reduce confusion and to create a simpler curriculum for each person’s needs

Training Website Merging

• LAHSA is working on merging the training website and the main LAHSA website to create a seamless experience for our community. The unified login credentials will allow access to all the web applications in MyOrg and the training course registrations and tracking

• The merged site is due to be online with the final training schedules in April. All active training site login credentials will be matched and migrated over to the main site for the most seamless user experience

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Action Items for the month ahead

DataFinalize CES and general workflows in Clarity

Finalize date for Adsystech HMIS Cutoff

Data Cleanup through internal analysis and with community assistance

Finalize Access Roles and Levels

ReportingAnalyze Clarity’s data structure to:

Re-create report requirement documents for prioritized compliance and CES reports

Re-create infrastructures for dashboard linkages

TrainingEstablish training formats and structure

Review training site active login and HMIS active users for unifying login credentials

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Los Angeles Homeless Services Authorityfiles.constantcontact.com/b88c0239001/425bc8d7-1a0... · completing the Homeless Count. Mr. Lynn noted that a greater number of volunteers registered - [PDF Document] (2024)


How much of LA's population is homeless? ›

The 2023 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count revealed a 9% year-over-year increase in homelessness in the county, and a 10% rise in the city. The data showed 75,518 people are homeless in the county, and 46,260 in the city of Los Angeles, an increase from the 69,144 in the county, and 41,980 the city from 2022.

Can you volunteer for the LA homeless Count 2024? ›

Register to volunteer for the 2024 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count on January 23, 24, and 25. Volunteers must be 18 years or older to participate in the Street Count. No one underage can volunteer in the upcoming Homeless Count.

What is the main cause of homelessness in LA? ›

The cause of homelessness are myriad (many), but the 3 largest reasons why people are homeless are 1)mental illness/addiction 2)high housing costs 3)availability of high paying jobs (or lack off). What are some of the causes of homelessness in Los Angeles (Skid Row)?

Who helps the homeless in Los Angeles? ›

LAHSA - Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority.

What does SDF mean in homeless? ›

SDF is an acronym for sans domicile fixe, French for “with no permanent residence”. The term SDF is typically used in French media to identify a transient or homeless person.

What city in California has the most homeless? ›

The five CoCs with the highest proportion of unsheltered homeless people were in California: San Jose/Santa Clara, Los Angeles, Oakland/Berkeley, Long Beach, and Sacramento.

What's the worst state for homeless people? ›

California continues to lead the nation in homelessness, with US data showing the state has the highest rate of unhoused people living outside in a worsening humanitarian crisis. The US has empty buildings it could use to tackle homelessness. Why is it selling them off?

What city has the worst homeless problem? ›

1. New York, New York
  • Homeless population: 88,025.
  • Estimated rate of homelessness: 10.6 per 1,000.
  • Change in homelessness, 2020-2023: 13% increase.
Dec 27, 2023

What is the biggest reason for homelessness? ›

On a global scale, poverty is one of the most significant root causes of homelessness. Stagnant wages, unemployment, and high housing and healthcare costs all play into poverty. Being unable to afford essentials like housing, food, education, and more greatly increases a person's or family's risk.

What is the best thing to get a homeless person? ›

Here are some ideas of what you can easily provide to a homeless person to make a difference in their life.
  • Blankets. ...
  • Food. ...
  • Water. ...
  • A tent. ...
  • Clothing. ...
  • A place to charge your phone. ...
  • Sometimes it is easy to help the homeless. ...
  • Giving money to people rough sleeping.
Sep 21, 2022

What is a hotel voucher for homeless people in Los Angeles? ›

Hotel vouchers are temporary accommodations provided to individuals experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles. These vouchers offer a safe place to stay in hotels or motels while individuals work towards more permanent housing solutions.

How do homeless people get money in California? ›

CalWORKs HA can provide payments for temporary shelter for up to 16 days, as well as payments to secure or maintain housing, including a security deposit and last month's rent, or up to two months of rent arrearages.

Which state has the most homeless? ›

California. In 2022, California has been reported as having the highest homeless population in the country, with a disheartening figure of 171,521 homeless individuals.

How much of the US homeless population is in California? ›

As of 2022, 30% of all people in the United States experiencing homelessness resided in California, including half of all unsheltered people (115,491 in California; 233,832 in the US).

How many homeless are in Santa Monica? ›

– Today, the City of Santa Monica released the results of the 2023 Homeless Count held in January. The results show that 926 people experiencing homelessness were counted in Santa Monica, an overall increase of 15 percent from the 807 individuals counted during the City's 2022 Homeless Count.

How much does Los Angeles spend on each homeless person? ›

Los Angeles is spending up to $837,000 to house a single homeless person | KTLA.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.